GoodTime Meet's Chrome Extension allows you to share scheduling links via email and from your browser.
You can download the GoodTime Meet Chrome Extension from the Google App store using the link here. You can always jump to our downloads page using the quick download icon in the navigation found inside of your Avatar icon in the top right hand corner of the page.
Once you add the GoodTime Meet Chrome extension, click the puzzle icon in the top right hand corner of Google Chrome to see all of your chrome extensions. Click the 'pin' icon next to GoodTime Meet:
You should see the G GoodTime logo inThis allows you to access the GoodTime Meet Chrome Extension quickly inside your chrome browser:
By clicking the G GoodTime Logo, this will allow you to quickly access your upcoming meetings as well as scheduling links:
Upcoming Meetings
Never be late again by clicking to quickly join meetings or message teammates who are on the same calendar invite.
Scheduling Links
Clicking on the 'link' button allows you to quickly copy your scheduling link so you can paste it to whoever you want to meet with.